Hosting choirs: Checcoro and The Good News Female Gospel Choir
Event program
First day – 12 June 2023
Morning: Arrival and accommodation in Hotel / BB
Afternoon: sound check
Evening: Choral performance (venue to be confirmed among:Teatro Leonardo, Auditorium Enzo Baldoni)
Second day – 13 June 2023
Evening: Socializing and meeting with local choirs and guest choirs Aperitivo in the numerous friendly bars of the area Each choir sings about 3 songs
Hospitality and operational information
Through the Milan Convention Bureau, guides to sightseeing will likely be available.
Some members of Checcoro and The Good News FGC are available to host outside choristers. Number of beds to be determined. Number of beds to be determined.
In addition, the Milan convention bureau will provide us with some conventions with 4 star hotels.
Local choirs will try to get discounts with some restaurant / bar in Milan for VV guests.