The choir
We are women of different ages, musical abilities, political interests and life experiences. We are women who love women: we are lesbian, heterosexual and bisexual women united in song. The Good News Female Gospel Choir is a continuous work in progress, dedicated to our musical improvement and – in line with the deep conviction that diversity is the real strength – aimed at social change. Our constantly evolving repertoire moves between modern and traditional gospel classics and pop songs, revisited in a choral key. The wide-ranging search for musical pieces – a constant activity that contributes to enriching and changing the schedules of our concerts from time to time – is often oriented towards texts that convey messages that we want to be bearers of. The band accompanying the choir is currently made up of a pianist (who is also the choir director), a bassist and a drummer. When the space in which we perform allows it, we project videos that we take care of the assembly, which help to amplify the message of some of the pieces performed. Since its foundation in September 2012, the choir has held about seventy concerts, many for charity, and organized evenings in the context of the fight against discrimination and violence against women. Since its foundation in September 2012, the choir has held about seventy concerts, many for charity, and organized evenings in the context of the fight against discrimination and violence against women.

Curriculum vitae of the choir
since 2012 we have organized concerts and events related to important appointments, many of which for charity. We have organized songs and readings in support of the fight against discrimination and violence against women. Our singing entertains, inspires, motivates and creates a strong sense of empathy with the audience. When space permits, we project videos that help amplify the message of some of the pieces performed. The originality of our repertoire, which moves between gospel classics and pop songs revisited in a choral key, also consists in the continuous search for songs with texts that convey messages of which we wish to be bearers. The band that accompanies us is made up of a pianist (as well as choir director), a bassist and a drummer.

Cristina Boaretto conducts The Good News Female Gospel Choir.