The choir
Omphalos Voices is the choir of the Omphalos association and was founded in Perugia in 2015.
The people of Omphalos Voices believe that the enhancement of differences, the comparison and respect for identities, the inclusion of everyone and everyone must be common values, a heritage of the whole society and that the dynamics of a choir are the environment. ideal to best express the synergy between different voices that aim at the harmony of the whole. Omphalos Voices aims to create a musical environment open to all people who believe in equality against any discrimination. Omphalos Voices responds to hatred with music, ignorance with beauty, intolerance with passion.

Curriculum vitae of the choir
Omphalos Voices debuts on 17 May 2015 on the occasion of the International Day against homophobia-lesbo-bi-transphobia creating the choral review “I sing for you – Voices for equality”, which has become an annual event in Perugia which saw the participation over the years by numerous local, national and international choirs. In May 2018 he participated in the Various Voices Festival in Munich performing at the gala evening at the Philarmonie im Gasteig. The choir participated in the opening events of the Umbrian Music Festival in the 2017 edition. In 2018 he paid homage to Aldo Capitini, a pacifist philosopher from Perugia, exhibiting a program dedicated to him on the occasion of the opening concerts of the 2018 Umbrian Music Festival. Omphalos Voices organizes in Perugia the fourth edition of Cromatica Festival, the festival of Italian rainbow choirs on April 26-27-28, 2019.

The director
Sergio Briziarelli has been the director of Omphalos Voices since its foundation in 2015. He began his musical training at the F. Morlacchi Conservatory of Music in Perugia, in opera singing, composition, choral music and choir conducting. In 2011 he graduated in conducting at the G. Verdi Conservatory in Milan. He attended high-level musical specialization courses in orchestral conducting at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena and studied conducting at the Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Vienna. In 2013 he obtained a master’s degree for choir conductors at the Guido d’Arezzo Foundation. In 2015 he obtained a second level degree in Choral Music and Choir Conducting with full marks and the conferral of honors at the Conservatory of Perugia. He has participated in various conducting courses and conducted concerts both in Italy and abroad. He currently collaborates as a choir master and vocal trainer with various groups in the province of Perugia. Professor of choral singing from 2015 to 2018 at Umbra Institute, an American institute of higher education and currently at the Liceo Scientifico G. Galilei in Perugia. He was director of the Umbrian Youth Choir for the two-year period 2016/2017. He is currently a member of the Artistic Commission of the A.R.C.Um – Regional Association of Umbrian Choirs – and Cromatica – National Association of Rainbow Choirs